This is a Wisconsin Concealed Carry Permit Class
The classes held at the Coloma location has a 6 student minimum. If we do not reach the minimum you will receive a phone call or email the night before to let you know you will be added to the next class.
This course is essential for those who are considering carrying a defensive firearm for personal protection. The course teaches you to develop the mindset when carrying, with specific techniques such as, conflict avoidance, situational awareness, defensive firearm basics, shooting fundamentals, physiology of violent encounters, and the legal aspects of using deadly force, including the aftermath. Additionally, we will cover common equipment used for carrying a defensive handgun and other tools you can incorporate into your ongoing training. This course meets the Wisconsin Department of Justice, application process. You will learn the different processes for each state as well as the associated fees. A Course Completion Certificate will be given after successfully completing this course. Prior knowledge or experience with a firearm is not required.