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  • Welcome to Waushara County

    The Waushara Area Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to its members in assisting their marketing efforts and utilizing resources available to them. Our goal is maximizing a county-wide partnership that creates Waushara County as a destination for potential tourists, a place for local citizens to patronize, and a variety of attractive communities for future development.

  • Wild Rose Historical Society

    • Community Organizations
    479 Main Street
    Wild Rose, WI 54984
    • About

      In the early 1850s, Welsh, Norwegian, and English immigrants walked into the wilderness of central Wisconsin that had ''never known the mark of an ax.'' The Pioneer Museum displays their tools, arts, and crafts. The Pioneer Museum offers guided tours of the eight building complex - Elisha Stewart House, Smoke House, Gift Shop, Barn and Blacksmith Shop, Carriage House, Pioneer Hall, and Country School.

    • Upcoming Events